Week #2 August 24th- August 28th
Fluency: Read the passage three times. Record each time in the chart below. Make sure you are reading with good speed (not to fast not to slow), great expression (don't be boring), and accuracy (read every word and pause at punctuation).
New Vocabulary Card: Fill out each part of the vocabulary card. Use https://www.dictionary.com/ as a great resource.
Word: to find the word look at the pg. numbered 42 in your packet. The words in the box labeled Check the Words You Know are your vocabulary words. Make sure you spell it correctly.
Image: Draw a picture that represents the word.
Synonyms: Find words that mean the same thing. (https://www.thesaurus.com/) is a great resource.
Antonyms: Find words that mean the opposite. (https://www.thesaurus.com/) is a great resource.
Part of Speech: Dictionary.com will tell you. The part of speech is in italics just above the definition. (noun, adjective, adverb, verb, etc.)
Formal Definition: Write down the definition from dictionary.com. Lots of words have more than one definition. Pick one.
In My Own Words: Write your own definition.
Used In a Sentence: Use the word correctly in a sentence. If you need help with a correct sentence dictionary.com gives you examples when you scroll down on the page.
Four Kinds of Sentences: READ the explanation in the box. Follow the directions to fill out 1-13. Use the box as a guide to help you answer the questions correctly.
Comprehension Skill Answer Sheet: Read pgs. 22-23 and fill out your answers to the short story on pg. 23.
Read the Weekly Story: Read Old Yeller on pgs. 26-39. You should have your book. If you don't have your book please send me an email so I can make sure you get it. Kroane@jeffersonacademy.org
Their, There, and They're: Look up the differences between these three words. Use the definition to help you correctly fill in the blanks.
Sleuth: Read this weeks Sleuth Story and answer the questions. IF I forgot to include the sleuth story please email me and I will send you a copy.
Vocabulary:Use the new vocabulary cards you did on Monday to help you match the correct word with the correct definition. Don't forget to write a journal entry on the following page. You need to use 4 of the vocabulary words correctly. Make sure your journal entry follows the guidelines you are given. Make sure you are writing in complete sentences and circle the vocabulary words.
Looking For a Pet: Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
Vocabulary/ Synonyms: Circle the correct synonym that best replaces the word. (hint: replace the word with the word you pick and see if it sounds correct and still has the same meaning)
Setting and Plot and Cause and Effect: Read the short passages and answer the questions below. Make sure you answers are COMPLETE SENTENCES. Catch up on any other work that you need to and turn in your reading packet. Make sure you wrote your name on the first page.